Tournament info and rules
- Europa Conexus is a 2-day event held online on OGS, room: dileMMa . EGD class D.
- The weekend 6th-7th of May 2023, registration deadline Friday the 5th of May at noon CET.
- Tournament director: Vincent Lit (NL). Main referee: Cris Bratu (RO).
- / OGS ID: GoAlphons
- / 0731-901.738 / FB / OGS ID: CrisBratu
Rounds schedule (CEST)
- Friday May the 5th: 19:00 - announcing pairing for Round 1
- Saturday 6th of May: R1-10:00, R2-14:00, R3-17:00
- Sunday 7th of May: R4-10:00, R5-14:00, R6-17:00
Registration rank
- All players who are in the EGD database will register with a rank corresponding to the most recent GoR. Exceptions to this rule will only be made with the approval of the main referee, based on the recommendation of the players' sensei, or of a stronger player that can vouch for his or her progress. Note that a difference of 2 ranks or higher will automatically determine an EGD rank reset.
- Players who do not have GoR will enter the competition with a rank approved by the main referee based on the recommendation of a stronger player that knows the person.
- You can check out the rank reset requests at the end of the registration page .
Missing rounds
- If you have to miss a round, or leave the competition before the final round, please notify the main referee as early as possible, with at least 30 minutes before the start of the round.
The exception is Round 1, which will be announced Friday evening. The deadline for announcing non-participation in Round 1 is Friday, 5th of May, at 15:00 CET.
- Players who have not announced their absence in time will be paired and will lose the game in 20 minutes after the start of the round.
- Players who will have missed a round that they failed to announce their absence to, while also not contacting the referee afterwards, will be excluded from all the remaining rounds. To reenter the competition they have to contact the main referee, Cris Bratu (find contacts above).
- You can check out the absentee announcements at the end of the pairing page .
Registration tax and prizes
- No registration tax.
- Prizes: 150 USD in GOMAGIC certificates for courses and membership:
- 1st place: 60 USD
- 2nd place: 30 USD
- 3rd place: 30 USD
- best womans result: 30 USD