Ireland-Romania - Registration
Registration form
For a successful registration please fill all the fields of the form.
No personal information will be made public besides the already existing EGD data .
To quickly verify your submission, please check the list of recently registered players below.
Players registered in the previous 10 days
No players registered in the last 10 days.
Registration rank
All players who are in the EGD database will register with a rank corresponding to the most recent GoR. Exceptions to this rule will only be made with the approval of the main referee, based on the recommendation of the players' sensei, or of a stronger player that can vouch for his or her progress. Note that a difference of 2 ranks or higher will automatically determine an EGD Rank reset.
Players who do not have GoR will enter the competition with a rank approved by the main referee based on the recommendation of a stronger player that knows the person.
Reset requests
- Radu Oprisan - from 15 kyu to 10 kyu
- Andrei Heemeryck - from 19 kyu to 11 kyu
Both recoemndations are made by mr. Liviu Oprisan, 4 Dan.
Obs: there is a romanian tournament they both played in that is not yet uploaded to EGD.