EGF Academy

Registration form EGF Academy

Registration for C3+C4 S17/2023

Please fill all the fields of the form.
No personal information will be made public besides the already existing  EGD data .

Surname: - You can specify at least 2 characters of the family name. You can optionally search for players whose last name starts with the given string, instead of looking into the whole name. To achieve this, you have to type a "@" as the first character.

Club: Country: - two letter  ISO code 
PIN: - Autocomplete source for the given PIN is the players  EGD card 
Rank: GoR: - Rank format is "1p", "3d", "17k" and GoR consists in an 4 digit number.


The email address and phone number won't be made public, but they are necessary for manager and teachers to communicate with you.

I want to register for:
cycle 3 - (Sept 25 - Oct 22)
cycle 4 - (Oct 30 - Nov 26)

My motivation for enrolling to study GO in the EGF Academy classes of 2023:

Recently registered students

 Ambroise Guillou  - 1k (1962) - 35Re (FR) FR - zouk
 Alexander Timperi  - 1d (2093) - OGP (FI) FI - HarryKane
 Yuze Xing  - 5D (2494) - Heidelberg (DE) DE - xingyuze
 Olesia Malko  - 3d (2327) - Rivn (UA) UA - olesia
 Roko Crvelin  - 3d (2263) - Vrba (HR) HR - Crvelin
